Award committees
The structure of the Ibrahim bin Musa Al-Zuwaid National Development Award consists of a group of committees, representing the work cell in which the award is conducted. These committees are:
This committee is responsible for receiving, monitoring and categorizing applicants’ data by e-mail.
This committee is responsible for making sure that the conditions of the award are in conformity with the applicants, and that the information provided by the applicants is correct.
- Initial Nomination Committee:
This committee makes a list of the award applicants who meet the criteria and conditions of the award.
This committee conducts personal interviews with applicants or institutions to get closer to the nature of their achievement.
It is the committee that evaluates all projects submitted for the award and the eligibility of each project for the award, and ultimately presents its choices for the project eligible for the award.
The Committee is responsible for ensuring that there is media coverage of all phases of the award, starting with the announcement of receiving the application forms through the announcement of the preliminary and final lists until the announcement of the winners.
It is responsible for submitting reports on all stages of the award, from the number of applicants and their projects, to the announcement of the winning projects and the names of those in charge.
- Award Ceremony Committee:
It is the committee that presents the award to the winners in a major celebration witnessed by all media, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zuwaid Group, and the sponsor of the award Ibrahim bin Musa Zuwaid.